Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wonderful Weekend

We had a fabulous family weekend. Saturday, Sam got up with William so I could try to get some sleep. It doesn't usually work though, but the thought is what counts. When William got to cranky and wouldn't go to sleep, I put him in the ergo and we took Sienna out for a nice walk. The weather was beautiful. Then we just came home, and did some chores. William took a nice nap in his bed (for some reason daddy has more luck getting him to sleep longer then 45 minutes). We all then went to Uncle J's for dinner.

Sunday, Sam again got up with William. Then he went to run some errands, and when he came back, I went out to help Aunt S. with a photoshoot, and then run some errands. So Daddy got some much needed alone time with William! And again, he slept longer then 45 minutes!

William is just so great these days! It's a real fun stage (minus the not sleeping parts). He is so expressive. He still prefers human faces to toys, but is becoming more interested in toys. He will now smile, and do his not real laugh at them.  He is getting so strong. His ability to stand up is amazing!

I think he must have had a growth spurth. He is now 15.2 lbs (up almost a pound). Maybe this accounts for his waking up in the night. :)  He is definitely starting to chunk up. I think when both grandparents see him next they will be amazed by his growth.

He loves going outside! Daddys' new routine when he gets home from work is to take him outside to look at the cars! Even if he is crying, he will stop when he goes outside. This nice weather is so awesome!

Currently, his favourite toys are:
Barnyard Animals
And the chain links

His favourite books are (well more likely mine are):
Moo Baa La La La
Big Red Barn

His favourite songs are:
Mulberry bush
Ooh Baby Baby
Frerer Jaques (sp?)

He loves his bumbo, likes his excersaucer, his bouncy chair is okay. He doesn't much like his swing, or the stroller. (which is strange for colicky babies)

He is currently wearing 6 months sleepers, 3-6 months onesies (although he can still fit in 3 months onesies, they are just a bit snug), and 3 months pants (although they are getting a bit short). He did wear a 6 month romper though the other day.

Sleep is still poor.
We are experimenting with bed times to see if it helps, but generally he is up at least twice to eat, and is usually up between 5-6:30am. He takes usually 4 naps a day, usually they start in his crib, ending on me.

He is currently taking 2 formula bottles a day, about 6oz each.

In general, if he gets his sleep, he is very happy and loves to smile.


  1. Only Adam can get Ollie in his crib during the day. And Ollie LOVES going outside too!

  2. Thinking of you and William. I hope all is well!
