Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Great Holiday Weekend!

The May long weekend was just fantastic! 3 days with Daddy! We also had the most beautiful weather, so we got to include lots of outdoor time! Uncle C. and Aunt D. came done so we had good visits with them as well!

William is doing fantastic. He slept from 9:30-3ish, and then 4ish-6:30ish on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. (Unfortunately he returned to his usual sleep pattern on Tuesday). I started him on a second formula bottle, and switched his bottles to Dr. Brown's, to see if that will help the gas. I think it has helped! He has been happy, and smiley, with no screaming fits! Those Dr. Brown bottles are just so darn expensive ($30 for 3 bottles), so I'm washing bottles everyday now!

Yesterday, at 16 weeks old, he had his first real laugh! It was so precious! I was giving him kisses on his cheek and neck, and he started giggling! It went on for quite a while too! He hasn't done it since though, even though I have tried!

He also weighed in at a whopping 14.4lbs. My big boy! He is now officially wearing size 2 diapers (although I have a big box of 1-2's I need to see if I can exchange). He is still wearing some size 0-3 clothes (mainly pants, but some onesies). 3-6 month onesies and shirts are still too big. But he is in 6 month sleepers.

He can roll from front to back (when he wants to :) ). And he is reaching out to grab at his toys more. He is also constantly trying to bring toys to his mouth (or his mouth to his toys). He is drooling like crazy too. Honestly, we go through so many bibs! I probably wouldn't have to do so much laundry if it wasn't for the bibs.

He still loves his mobile. He also likes his barnyard animals, and has now discovered his octopus. He also really enjoys the butterfly over his change table! He is still super nosy, and wont close his eyes unless I am rocking him. That means no sleeping in the stroller! Too much to see. Although today he did fall asleep on his own in the swing, while staring at the monkeys! I think this is a first. He has gone in it before asleep, briefly opened his eyes, and then close them again. But never actually falling asleep on his own.

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