Tuesday, October 2, 2012

8 months

Why oh why are the months flying by! My baby is getting too big! I get teary eyed whenever I think of it.


He must have had a massive growth spurt. All of a sudden he couldnt fit into his clothes. He now wears 9 or 12 month sleepers. And nine month clothes (although can fit in 6 month onesies - but not pants - too short)

Hair: still lighter then we would have thought
Eyes: still blue. Hmm. Was there a mix up at the lab?

My god this boy is the funniest kid ever. He knows what will make us laugh and he will repeat it over and over again. Mainly his No No No! He is quick to laugh, quick to distract when upset and in general is very happy!

Has a bottle about every 4 hrs and eats 3 meals a day plus a ton of cheerios! We just finished up nursing as he really wasnt eating much, and wasnt too interested in nursing overnight anymore. Im quite proud of myself for continuing it as long as I had! He has started to eat meat and doesnt mind it as long as it is quite pureed. He isnt too interested when the food is a bit chunkier but he will sometimes eat it. Cant put cheerios in his own mouth yet. In fact he rarely brings anything to his own mouth.

Size 3 diapers.

Rolls front to back but still not back to front. But is getting closer. No interest in crawling. Just gets frustrated being on his belly.

Sleep is still hit or miss. He still wakes for long stretches. I think it is still sometimes to do with gas issues. Poor boy. Naps also range from 30 min - 2 hrs. He sometimes needs 3, sometimes 4 naps.

He loves bathtime and story time. He gets so excited to see daddy. He does great in the car and in the stroller!

He isnt much of an independent player, so generally needs someone to be right there with him. Makes it difficult to get much done :)

His favourite toys are:
His soosie
His shape sorter

Not much more information regarding his metopic synostis (sp?). His eyes are fine and the plastic surgeon is still undecided about recommending surgery. We go back in november for a follow up. I wonder if I am beginning to notice the triangulation of his forehead more now.

William ate at his first restaurant this month and was fantastic! We will do it again now that we know he can be good! Cheerios are a great distraction!!

William had his first sleep over at the inlaws. They loved having him and want him again!! UnfortunTely we didnt catch up on any sleep because instead we partied at Uncle A's wedding so we will have to take them up on their offer soon! It was very strange now having him home, but we all survived!

He talks often. Sometimes da da, ba ba but mostly just making noises. Havent heard ma ma yet!

He knows some words. Bottle. Fan. Clock.

Very interested in the dog!

He is still the biggest flirt!!

He loves to give me big open mouth kisses! They are the best thing in the world!