Saturday, March 16, 2013

13 months

Just noticed that this didnt post earlier

13 months!

Eyes: blue
Hair: light brown. It is getting super long! He needs a haircut! It still has curls.

Teeth: has two on top, two on bottom, and the two on either sides top and bottom are almost all the way through.

Diapers: size 4s
Sleep: nights are great! He generally goes to bed around 6:15-6:30. We would love to get him to stay up until 7 but he just cant make it unless he has super great naps. He still often gets up early. If we are lucky it is 6:30 but usually it is more like 5:30. Or 5.
Naps are pretty good. He still has 2 naps that range from 45-1:15 or so. He falls asleep on his own but he sometimes needs us to go in and lie him down (or change his poopy diaper :) )

Food: this boy eats! He wakes up and has some milk and cheerios while we wait for jackson (or for it to be a reasonable time of morning). Breakfast is toast, fruit and yogurt. He loves his toast! Wont have anything elSe. Midmorning snack is crackers or fruit or cheerios. Lunch is grilled cheese or soup usually, plus fruit. Afternoon snack may be a mini muffin, or crackers, or nutrigrain bar. Dinner is anything! Pasta, rice, meat, potatoes, veggies and always fruit. I think his favourite is kraftdinner, ham, eggs, perogies and peas and avocado. Have yet to find a fruit he doesnt like.

BottleS: he is now just down to his bedtime bottle! He does great at drinking his milk from a sippy but he does need a lot of encouragement. We also warm up his morning milk which seems to help.

Clothes: wearing generally all 18 month clothes. Some 12 month onesies but the arms are pretty short.

Still not walking or talking. A little concerned about the speech but am waiting for his 15 month appt.

Books: loves his numbers book, shapes and his karen katz lift the flaps books. He is also quite into his richard scarry book.

Spent his first weekend at Gramma and Grampa M's while we went up to blue mountain. He had a great time. Slept and ate well.