Wednesday, August 1, 2012

6 months!

At 6 months

Hair: blondie redish brown
Eyes: blue
Weight: 16.2 ish lbs

In 6 months sleepers and rompers. Can still wear 3-6 month onesies, shirts and pants.

Teeth: one little tooth poking out the top! Hard to see but can definitely feel it. Ouch! Its sharp. He is still drooling like crazy so not sure if more will follow.

Naps: 3 naps generally a day. AM nap is usually only 45 minutes. Pm nap is anywhere from 45-2.5 hrs. And a nap in the later afternoon that is 45 minutes.

Nighttime: sleep is awful. He fights it and fights it and wakes up frequently. Has yet to sleep through the night or even come close. He is still swaddled but we are trying to break him if that. He can often go for the first stretch with one or both arms out but usually will get swaddled sometime in the night.

Food: gets two meals a day. Oatmeal and fruit for breakfast and rice cereal and veggie for dinner. He has had squash, sweet potato, zuccini, carrots, apples and peaches. He loves to eat. He has also had mum mum cookies.
He gets 2 or 3 formula bottles a day depending on how well he nurses. Sometimes he refuses to nurse during day or before bed but will always nurse at night.
He is still on reflux meds.

He is still a nosy little guy. He doesnt like being laid flat. He always wants to be up and seeing things. He likes his exersaucers and jumpers because he can stand. He loves swimming! He gets sooo excited when he sees daddy after work! He is taking more of an interest in sienna now. He prefers being held and doesnt really like playing on his own. He is not a fan of tummy time and has showed no interest in crawling. He can roll front to back but not the other way. He loves watching cars go by! He makes the funniest noises when he is unsure of something! This will either turn into a cry or he will get used to it. (usually has to do with loud people or kids). He is getting very good at sitting. He loves being tickled. He likes when sports are on tv. His car rides are getting much better as are his stroller rides. When he is tired he will start to attack your shoulder with his face. Lol. He has the best pout ever!

Favourite toys: kaloo, his barnyard animals, the rings, fuzzy bear, the musical keys

Favourite books: moo baa la la la, But not the hippopotumus

Dislikes: sleep, putting clothes over his arms, Loud people

In general he is a pretty happy guy! He gives the best smiles and his laughs are so darn cute. He is so awesome and we love just watching him explore his surroundings and toys!

1 comment:

  1. OH My Goodness what a cutie!! Congratulations and happy 1/2 year birthday to William! He's really doing great. I love hearing about him and his favorite toys and books. Thank you so much for posting this!

    Sorry to hear the nights are rough. We are doing pretty well. But if it's a bad night, it's a baaaaad night!

    He's just do darn Cute! He and Oliver have the same hair!

    Hugs to you both.
