Tuesday, December 11, 2012

10 months (a little late)

At 10 months

Weight: 22 lbs
Height: not sure
Eyes: blue
Hair: light brown. Curls in the back. Its getting pretty long now.

Wearing 9 or 12 months onesies and 12 month pants. 12 month jammies.

Sleep: about the same as last month except often going down earlier. Closer to 7. He still has the aweful cough which is definitely disturbing his sleep. He is often awake for 2 hr stretches. The lucky times when he doesnt fully wake, he is super restless. He wakes between 6-7. Sometimes happy. Most often not. Naps are between 45-2 hrs. Twice a day. Now that he has learned to sit up it is more difficult to get him down. He constantly tries to sit up.

Food: 3 meals a day plus four 7 oz bottles. He has oatmeal and fruit or yogurt and toast. Lunch is either soup, grilled cheese, eggs or ham and cheese. Plus veg and fruit. Dinner may be what we are having or meatballs, pasta or ham. Plus barley cereal, veg and fruit. He loves avocado and eggs. He isnt a huge fun of chopped veggies. He prefers them pureed. When he is tired he doesnt like to eat chunky food. He is lazy :). He has just now started to put some food in his mouth. Cheerios, crackers etc. but bread he will just tear up. Lol. Now he is starting to put everything in his mouth! This is a new development too.

Still just has the two bottom teeth and one top tooth

Still seems to have some gas issues. Is often quite squirmy in the early mornings or middle of the night.

Has just started to crawl! He just recently learned to push up into a sit from his belly and this gave him the courage to go on his belly more. For the longest time he would go on his knees but not move. But now he is on the go. Very slowly :). With lots of breaks. Lazy baby! :). He also likes to keep one foot on the ground as he crawls. It is rather funny to watch. Now I need to finish baby proofing! He is also starting to try to pull himself up on things. Actually, this evening he crawled over to me and was pulling on my pants. And all of a sudden he was standing against me! Crazy! This kid is going to be trouble!! He is already starting to get angry when he doesnt get what he wants and now that crawling is happening as well as pulling himself up, im going to have to watch him all the time.

He babbles when he wants to. Sometimes he talks forever and then he goes a while without saying much

He loves to pick up anything and bang it on the floor. He will move himself off the carpet to get to the floor.

He still loves water and has finally learned to drink from a sippy on his own. But has a hard time when it isnt full enough. He prefers drinking from our cups though. Still loves the dish set. He loves his activity table because he can stand up. Loves his shape sorter. Is starting to like cars. He loves chairs, bath time, and books. Loves books! He wont even drink his bottle if he sees a book. His favourites are Sniff, good night moon, but not the hippopotamus, and baby boo.

He still hates getting his arms in clothes or car sear. And sleep. Lol. Everything else, he is pretty easy going about.

Overall this kid is just so darn happy! Must take after his dad. For some one who really gets very little sleep, he is just so happy! Everyone comments on how smiley he is. Everyone in public loves him. He will stare at a stranger and make little noises until they look at him. Then he will flirt with them!

He gets sooo excited when he sees gramma M and grampa B!

This horrible cough still hasnt gone away. Pediatrician thinks possible whooping cough, or athsma. Got a chest xray (again) at the hospital. And is now back on puffers and antiobiotics. His cough does seem better tonight. Is also waiting on a referral to an allergist (peanut worry) and an ENT doc. This kids chart is huge!!)

Anyway, I say this all the time but he really is just the best. Everyday he does something new!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

9 months

At 9 months

Weight: will update on tues
Eyes: blue
Hair: blondy brown. Starting to get some curls

Wearing mainly 9 month clothes but some 12 months. 12 month jammies.

Sleep: bedtime is usually btwn 7-8 nights have been pretty bad. He likes to wake up and stay awake for 2 hrs. So exhausting. Plus waking up 2-4 times before that. And 1 or 2 times after that!! He still has some nights where he is really gassy. We havent figured out what is causing it
Naps are improving. He has been going down very easily if I lay with him in our bed. He hugs his bear and curls up on his side. So cute! He now sleeps with his bear and a blanket. He will usually take 2 naps, ranging from 45-2+.

Food: 3 meals a day. Plus 4 bottles (about 7 oz each). Recently has been eating lamb barley soup, chicken soup, bread, cheese. Loves kiwi. Likes avocado and hummus. We are trying to encourage more solid foods instead of pureed. He loves cheerios. He still cant put food in his mouth but is getting good at using the pincer grip. He drinks water from a sippy cup. But again cant bring it to his mouth in his own.

He has 2 teeth on the bottom and the same little one poking out the top. He is really into biting me lately so not sure if something else is going on in there.

He said mum mum the other day. But think he meant to say "yum yum".

Drinking water. He gets so excited when we run water or use the water from the fridge.
The toy dish set
His soosie - waving it around as opposed to sucking on it.

Still not crawling. When he is sitting he reaches so far in front that pretty soon he will go right over. But he cries when you encourage him from his tummy. He has rolled over once from back to front. He just much prefers to be sitting so he can see everybody. :). His legs are gettig strong. When sitting on my legs he can rock himself up to almost stand. He loves standing and holding onto things. But he has no balance still.

He knows the fan, clock, dog, bottle, butterflies on the wall, light, gramma, grampa, soosie, hat, cow, horse Im know there are others but these are the most obvious.

Overall he is super happy! As long as you are playing with him or are near him then he is good as gold. Wont play by himself for long periods of time or in the early evening. Makes it tough to make dinner :). But nothing that dancing, singing or throwing in the air wont cure!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

8 months

Why oh why are the months flying by! My baby is getting too big! I get teary eyed whenever I think of it.


He must have had a massive growth spurt. All of a sudden he couldnt fit into his clothes. He now wears 9 or 12 month sleepers. And nine month clothes (although can fit in 6 month onesies - but not pants - too short)

Hair: still lighter then we would have thought
Eyes: still blue. Hmm. Was there a mix up at the lab?

My god this boy is the funniest kid ever. He knows what will make us laugh and he will repeat it over and over again. Mainly his No No No! He is quick to laugh, quick to distract when upset and in general is very happy!

Has a bottle about every 4 hrs and eats 3 meals a day plus a ton of cheerios! We just finished up nursing as he really wasnt eating much, and wasnt too interested in nursing overnight anymore. Im quite proud of myself for continuing it as long as I had! He has started to eat meat and doesnt mind it as long as it is quite pureed. He isnt too interested when the food is a bit chunkier but he will sometimes eat it. Cant put cheerios in his own mouth yet. In fact he rarely brings anything to his own mouth.

Size 3 diapers.

Rolls front to back but still not back to front. But is getting closer. No interest in crawling. Just gets frustrated being on his belly.

Sleep is still hit or miss. He still wakes for long stretches. I think it is still sometimes to do with gas issues. Poor boy. Naps also range from 30 min - 2 hrs. He sometimes needs 3, sometimes 4 naps.

He loves bathtime and story time. He gets so excited to see daddy. He does great in the car and in the stroller!

He isnt much of an independent player, so generally needs someone to be right there with him. Makes it difficult to get much done :)

His favourite toys are:
His soosie
His shape sorter

Not much more information regarding his metopic synostis (sp?). His eyes are fine and the plastic surgeon is still undecided about recommending surgery. We go back in november for a follow up. I wonder if I am beginning to notice the triangulation of his forehead more now.

William ate at his first restaurant this month and was fantastic! We will do it again now that we know he can be good! Cheerios are a great distraction!!

William had his first sleep over at the inlaws. They loved having him and want him again!! UnfortunTely we didnt catch up on any sleep because instead we partied at Uncle A's wedding so we will have to take them up on their offer soon! It was very strange now having him home, but we all survived!

He talks often. Sometimes da da, ba ba but mostly just making noises. Havent heard ma ma yet!

He knows some words. Bottle. Fan. Clock.

Very interested in the dog!

He is still the biggest flirt!!

He loves to give me big open mouth kisses! They are the best thing in the world!

Monday, September 10, 2012

7 months

Wow! Time is flying by! I cant believe my tiny baby is now 7 months old.

Hair: blonde with brown and red
Eyes: blue. Strange. Wonder when they will change.

Wearing 6 months onesies and pants and 9 month sleepers.

Still has just the one tooth. I think more should be here soon.

Sleep: naps have regressed big time. Generally lucky if we get 30 minutes in. Of course if we hold him he will nap forever :). Needs 2-3 naps depending on their lengths. Sometimes needs a 4th

Night sleep: aweful. His new thing is to be up for at least 1.5 hrs at some point throughout the night. Wide awake. Wants to be held. He generally goes to bed between 7-8 and always awake at 5 but can sometimes nurse him back to sleep until 6-7. Still trying to get him off the swaddle. He goes down without but usually ends up back in it at some point.

Is only nursing first thing in am and once during the day. Then Throughout night as needed. Otherwise he eats about 7oz bottles.

He still loves food. Havent tried meat yet but I think I will get some chicken soon. He eats three meals a day. We have been trying food that isnt as pureed. He is getting the hang of it. He still wont bring anything to his mouth on his own. Not his cookies, cheerios, toys or sippy cup.

No sign of crawling. He still hates his tummy. So in the two minutes he tolerates being on it, he doesnt do much. I saw a 6 month old todAy who was doing so much on her tummy it makes me think he needs more practice!

He is talking up a storm lately! And sticks his tongue to push out his lower lip. It is very cute. My MIL swears he said daddy yesterday when sam walked by.

He is now great in a car. For long cottage drives I end up
In the back seat with him but thats ok.

He loves the stroller now. And the grocery store. Oh man what a flirt! He always gets the ladies attention!

My boy is now the happiest little guy ever! He loves to laugh. And has become a lot more easy going. When he is tired he gets a bit cranky but then just needs more hands on attention. No making dinner! But if I tKe him outside then he becomes happy again

When he gets tired he also gets a major case of the sillies! This is usually when sam gets home and is getting him ready for bed. All I hear is nonstop giggles!

His favourite toy is his soosie! He takes it out of his mouth and passes it back and forth in his hands and bangs it on whatever he sees. He has yet to put it back in his mouth.

He notices Sienna a lot. He loves to grab her fur.

His arms never stop moving. Ever. It is weird. I dont remember this with any of the others. His ankles are also always rotating.

Favourite toys:
His soosie
His cell phone
The rings
Starting to like his blabla doll
His shape sorter (loves sitting on the couch by himself playin with this)
His purple animal popping thing. Its amazing how much more focused he is on closing the 'doors' then when he started.

Brown bear brown bear what do you see (he laughs)
He loves reading

Clothes going over his arms
People yelling or being really loud.

Overall this is a great age. He is so aware if everything going on. He went to a sing song group at the library todAy with a bunch of little kids so I think he will enjoy it. Its rare that he is so upset that you cant distract him with something else. So while he still wont last too long at one activity, there is always something else to show him.

He knows when he does somethjng that makes you laugh. He will then keep doing it over and over again!

He is so cute! My heart breaks every month when I write this because that means he is just getting older and older. But I am still excited to see what comes next!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Random updates

William has just been even more awesome lately. He is so much happier and easier to take out and about. He has relearned how to go to sleep in the car (yeah!) and now will also regularly fall asleep in the stroller! He also has decided he likes to fall asleep in the swing at the park! So cute! I think every time he has been to the park he has fallen asleep!

While his sleeping is still generally pretty crappy, he has shown some signs of improvement. He doesnt usually let us rock him to sleep anymore so he lies in his crib while we either let him play with our hands, or have to gently hold his arms down. Otherwise they flail around, rub his eyes and knock out his soos. But this is progress! He goes down without swaddle but is usually swaddled at some point in the night.

He has been to the zoo three times! The first two didnt really count because it was too hard for me to really show him things as I went with others and it was too hectic as I was holding him and pushing the stroller. But Sam had friday off so away we went! Unfortunately he fell asleep on the way there so he stayed in his carseat in the stroller. When he finally woke we were already in the zoo so Sam mainly carried him. My plan though was for him to sit like a big boy in the stroller! Will loved the polar bears and the turtles and the otters. Mainly because the last two would swim up against the glass so he could really focus on them. He would even reach his arms out towards them! Super cute. Besides that he just liked being outside.

He survived his first wedding! We were a little worried as he hates loud noises and large crowds but he did great. Even in the church he was so well behaved! I was so proud of my big boy!! At the reception he also did great. Only one minor cry when sams cousin did a little yelling, Will cried. It was actually quite funny! He hasnt done that in a while but he used to let out this noise whenever he wasnt sure of something. He would either get used to whatever it was, or start crying!

We have spent so much time cottaging this summer. It has been fantastic! We are going for one last trip this summer but it will be for almost 2 weeks.

He has survived his first ear infection, cold, fever and awful cough(which sounded like croup) as well as surviving his second visit to the Er (the first visit was for me when I sliced my finger open). He did great even though we were there for like 6 hours. I felt so bad for my poor little guy. His cough was quite scary sounding and was of course worse at night and when he was lying down. Plus we were at the cottage and Sam was at home so it was even worse (for me). But the meds helped him quickly get better!

He is sitting up pretty well now but not well enough for me to just let him be. He still hates his tummy.

Anyway almost 7 months. I cant believe it. He is so much fun now and i just love taking him out and about!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

6 months!

At 6 months

Hair: blondie redish brown
Eyes: blue
Weight: 16.2 ish lbs

In 6 months sleepers and rompers. Can still wear 3-6 month onesies, shirts and pants.

Teeth: one little tooth poking out the top! Hard to see but can definitely feel it. Ouch! Its sharp. He is still drooling like crazy so not sure if more will follow.

Naps: 3 naps generally a day. AM nap is usually only 45 minutes. Pm nap is anywhere from 45-2.5 hrs. And a nap in the later afternoon that is 45 minutes.

Nighttime: sleep is awful. He fights it and fights it and wakes up frequently. Has yet to sleep through the night or even come close. He is still swaddled but we are trying to break him if that. He can often go for the first stretch with one or both arms out but usually will get swaddled sometime in the night.

Food: gets two meals a day. Oatmeal and fruit for breakfast and rice cereal and veggie for dinner. He has had squash, sweet potato, zuccini, carrots, apples and peaches. He loves to eat. He has also had mum mum cookies.
He gets 2 or 3 formula bottles a day depending on how well he nurses. Sometimes he refuses to nurse during day or before bed but will always nurse at night.
He is still on reflux meds.

He is still a nosy little guy. He doesnt like being laid flat. He always wants to be up and seeing things. He likes his exersaucers and jumpers because he can stand. He loves swimming! He gets sooo excited when he sees daddy after work! He is taking more of an interest in sienna now. He prefers being held and doesnt really like playing on his own. He is not a fan of tummy time and has showed no interest in crawling. He can roll front to back but not the other way. He loves watching cars go by! He makes the funniest noises when he is unsure of something! This will either turn into a cry or he will get used to it. (usually has to do with loud people or kids). He is getting very good at sitting. He loves being tickled. He likes when sports are on tv. His car rides are getting much better as are his stroller rides. When he is tired he will start to attack your shoulder with his face. Lol. He has the best pout ever!

Favourite toys: kaloo, his barnyard animals, the rings, fuzzy bear, the musical keys

Favourite books: moo baa la la la, But not the hippopotumus

Dislikes: sleep, putting clothes over his arms, Loud people

In general he is a pretty happy guy! He gives the best smiles and his laughs are so darn cute. He is so awesome and we love just watching him explore his surroundings and toys!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cottage Recap

We went up to the cottage with Grandma and Grampa. William started out great. He fell asleep but then woke up shortly afterwards.

By Tweed he was bawling. So we stop, I nurse him and away we go again. By Perth, he is bawling again. All the way up to the cottage. Basically 2 hrs of crying. But once he got out he instantly stopped and was very happy!

His naps improved tremendously! Your longest was 2 hrs and 45 minutes. On your best days he would nap for 1.5 hrs in the morning and 2 hrs in the afternoon. Sometimes a 3rd catnap.

Rice cereal was started and he loved it! Quite the little piggy! We also introduced sweet potato!

He loves the water. Whether it is the cold lake or the warm inflatable pool. He will happily splash until I think he gets to cold.

The exersaucer was a big hit. He was quite content playing in it out on the deck. He also spent quite a few dinners in it so I could actually eat!

He found his feet! Nowhe never lets them go. He has started rocking sideways so I think rolling over may happen soon.

Sam joined us after the first week and we all fell into a nice routine.
Awake at 7- nurse
Play, eat, play and read books with Sam. Then nap time ( then I would get up)
Nurse, swim, play, nap
Nurse, swim, play, sometimes nap, dinner, bath, nurse, bed!

It helped that we had such great weather we were outside most of the time. And having the help from Grandma and Grampa was awesome. William loves them so much. Plus, its amazing when I dont have to clean, do laundry or worry about cooking :).

The car ride home was also horrible. He fell asleep (with no soos or tears) by the time we got off the dirt road) but woke up in Ottawa and cried all the way to sharbot lake. Then fell asleep til home. But woke as soon as we pulled in with a big loud fart, followed by more screaming. So it seems night driving isnt much better then day driving

Definitely looking forward to going up again! Just not the drives

Operation Freedom

Its time to break William out of hid swaddle permanently. He hates going in it and is constantly breaking out and then waking himself up.

So tonight I swaddled him with one arm out to see what happened.

Bed at 8
Up at 9:30 - soosed
Up at 10:30 - soosed
Up at 10:40 - reswaddled (lol)
Up at 1:00 - the arm was out again. WTF!
Up at 3:30 - both arms out. Double WTF! Also he is wide awake!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

4 months

This post is a little late but William just had his 4 month appt. He did great, especially considering he was sooo tired and we had to wait a long time to see the doctor.

William weighed in at 14.2 lbs. hmm. Smaller than when we weighed him last. Will have to investigate our scale. Otherwise we may have a problem.

He is 26" long! This is why he is in 6 months sleepers and rompers!

He has been put on reflux meds. Maybe this will help his throwing up.

Not sure if anything will help with his gas :(

Still nursing but also getting 2 six oz bottles a day. We got the go ahead to start rice cereal!

Blowing raspberries
Being naked
Barnyard animals

Getting changed
Car seat

June 1

A tad late:

June 1 will always be a special day for me! Not only is it my dads birthday, but it is also the day I found out I was pregnant! After almost 2 years of trying, 5 IUI's and 1 IVF cycle, it finally happened! I still cant believe that we actually are parents, and we have the cutest, sweetest little boy!

Im a bad blogger!

I just have no time to blog!! During William's (hopefully) 45 minute naps, Im either working, cleaning or cooking! And by the time Sam gets home at night, I'm finishing up one of the above!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wonderful Weekend

We had a fabulous family weekend. Saturday, Sam got up with William so I could try to get some sleep. It doesn't usually work though, but the thought is what counts. When William got to cranky and wouldn't go to sleep, I put him in the ergo and we took Sienna out for a nice walk. The weather was beautiful. Then we just came home, and did some chores. William took a nice nap in his bed (for some reason daddy has more luck getting him to sleep longer then 45 minutes). We all then went to Uncle J's for dinner.

Sunday, Sam again got up with William. Then he went to run some errands, and when he came back, I went out to help Aunt S. with a photoshoot, and then run some errands. So Daddy got some much needed alone time with William! And again, he slept longer then 45 minutes!

William is just so great these days! It's a real fun stage (minus the not sleeping parts). He is so expressive. He still prefers human faces to toys, but is becoming more interested in toys. He will now smile, and do his not real laugh at them.  He is getting so strong. His ability to stand up is amazing!

I think he must have had a growth spurth. He is now 15.2 lbs (up almost a pound). Maybe this accounts for his waking up in the night. :)  He is definitely starting to chunk up. I think when both grandparents see him next they will be amazed by his growth.

He loves going outside! Daddys' new routine when he gets home from work is to take him outside to look at the cars! Even if he is crying, he will stop when he goes outside. This nice weather is so awesome!

Currently, his favourite toys are:
Barnyard Animals
And the chain links

His favourite books are (well more likely mine are):
Moo Baa La La La
Big Red Barn

His favourite songs are:
Mulberry bush
Ooh Baby Baby
Frerer Jaques (sp?)

He loves his bumbo, likes his excersaucer, his bouncy chair is okay. He doesn't much like his swing, or the stroller. (which is strange for colicky babies)

He is currently wearing 6 months sleepers, 3-6 months onesies (although he can still fit in 3 months onesies, they are just a bit snug), and 3 months pants (although they are getting a bit short). He did wear a 6 month romper though the other day.

Sleep is still poor.
We are experimenting with bed times to see if it helps, but generally he is up at least twice to eat, and is usually up between 5-6:30am. He takes usually 4 naps a day, usually they start in his crib, ending on me.

He is currently taking 2 formula bottles a day, about 6oz each.

In general, if he gets his sleep, he is very happy and loves to smile.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Great Holiday Weekend!

The May long weekend was just fantastic! 3 days with Daddy! We also had the most beautiful weather, so we got to include lots of outdoor time! Uncle C. and Aunt D. came done so we had good visits with them as well!

William is doing fantastic. He slept from 9:30-3ish, and then 4ish-6:30ish on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. (Unfortunately he returned to his usual sleep pattern on Tuesday). I started him on a second formula bottle, and switched his bottles to Dr. Brown's, to see if that will help the gas. I think it has helped! He has been happy, and smiley, with no screaming fits! Those Dr. Brown bottles are just so darn expensive ($30 for 3 bottles), so I'm washing bottles everyday now!

Yesterday, at 16 weeks old, he had his first real laugh! It was so precious! I was giving him kisses on his cheek and neck, and he started giggling! It went on for quite a while too! He hasn't done it since though, even though I have tried!

He also weighed in at a whopping 14.4lbs. My big boy! He is now officially wearing size 2 diapers (although I have a big box of 1-2's I need to see if I can exchange). He is still wearing some size 0-3 clothes (mainly pants, but some onesies). 3-6 month onesies and shirts are still too big. But he is in 6 month sleepers.

He can roll from front to back (when he wants to :) ). And he is reaching out to grab at his toys more. He is also constantly trying to bring toys to his mouth (or his mouth to his toys). He is drooling like crazy too. Honestly, we go through so many bibs! I probably wouldn't have to do so much laundry if it wasn't for the bibs.

He still loves his mobile. He also likes his barnyard animals, and has now discovered his octopus. He also really enjoys the butterfly over his change table! He is still super nosy, and wont close his eyes unless I am rocking him. That means no sleeping in the stroller! Too much to see. Although today he did fall asleep on his own in the swing, while staring at the monkeys! I think this is a first. He has gone in it before asleep, briefly opened his eyes, and then close them again. But never actually falling asleep on his own.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


At 15 weeks old, I'm surprised that he is still nursing.

Breast feeding was a painful experience for me. I was very worried about breastfeeding before he was born. For some reason, this was my biggest fear. Luckily, Will latched on right away, and has been gaining weight steadily the entire time. But, he had a tongue tie that made nursing very painful, and even though I saw the lactation specialist a bunch of times, it didn't really help. The only thing that helped was time. I think he finally figured it out, I finally relaxed, and everything has been working out. It took until probably 2-2.5 months before this happened.

I remember thinking at 6 weeks, "if only I can make it to 3 months". For some reason 3 months was the time in my mind that I could wean him and be happy about it. However, here we are at 15 weeks, still going strong. He does get one formula bottle a day, so that a) he is used to a bottle, b), so that my nipples could get a break, and c), so that someone else can feed him if I am working, or needed a break.

I'm unsure when I will introduce another bottle to him. I'm worried about losing my supply. I don't think I'm ready for that yet.

Not sure what to do

William refused to fall asleep on our hour walk today. So when we got back he was exhausted. I tried to feed him but he kept falling asleep. So I put him in his swing, half expecting him to wake up and then finish eating. But no, he is still sleeping, an hour later.

So, I'm not really sure what I should do now! Dinner is already in the oven (thank you mom for freezing a bunch of food for us before Will was born). But I feel the second I get my book out, he will wake up! I already cleaned the kitchen and started laundry!

Also, I'm now a little worried how he will do tonight. I will have to somehow squeeze in an extra feeding!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My First Mothers Day

Even though I totally think Mother's Day is lame, and that we don't really need to set aside a day to celebrate mothers day - everyday is mother's day and should be celebrated...hint hint daddy!

Nonetheless, past mother's days were kind of sad for me...reinforcing the fact the I wasn't a mother. So, my first mother's day is special for me!

And William gave me a great present! For the past two nights, he has gone to sleep between 9:30-10, and woke up between 3-4, went back to sleep, and woke up between 7-8! Woo Hoo! And, he has been napping in his crib for almost 1.5 hours. Great Job!

I am truly lucky to be a mom, and to have the greatest boy in the world.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Things I never want to forget

1.) The sweet smell of my baby.

2.) The way William will stop nursing to look up at me and smile.

3.) The way William will smile at me with his soosie in his mouth when he is supposed to be sleeping.

4.) His gas smiles.

5.) When he laughs in his sleep.

6.) The way he will stop what he is doing to look for Daddy when he hears his voice.

7.) His milk coma.

8.) When he falls asleep on my shoulder.

9.) How he likes to hold my hand in the car in order to fall asleep.

10.) That even though I complain about how hard things can be, he really is the best baby in the whole world!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sleep....or lack their of

I love sleep. Before Will came along, I would sleep almost 10 hrs a night, and still want more. I could nap during the day, and still fall asleep at night.

Since Will was born, I think I can count on one hand the number of naps I've had. I just can't do it anymore. Even when he was first born and people were here all the time to help out, they would tell me to go nap. But, sleep wouldn't come.

Now, my problem is that when Will wakes up in the night, I can't fall back asleep. I sometimes will lie there for an hour, thinking, he's going to wake up soon. If I don't sleep now, I will be up in 30 minutes, etc. etc. Sometimes I make Sam get up and put Will back to sleep. But even then, I can't fall asleep!

I think I'm functioning pretty well considering I don't get much sleep. People tell me I look good, and rested. (As if they would say anything else.)

So needless to say, I'm looking forward to when Will sleeps through the night (and through a full nap cycle). But in the meantime, I'm trying to treasure these moments when he wakes up and its just the two of us.

Monday, May 7, 2012


I love working out! (ok, not really right now...and in fact, am actually dreading getting started because I haven't moved my ass in almost a year)  So, I should rephrase that... I loved working out. And I really need to get back into it. I used to do the insanity workouts almost every day! It was a great feeling when I finished...when I could barely walk back up the stairs to go in the shower...when climbing out of bed in the mornings hurt soo much.

So, why haven't I started up again? I tell myself it's because William still isn't on a schedule, and I don't know if he will sleep for the entire work out. And I want to be playing with him when he is awake, not jumping around like an idiot while he watches. :)  But, why can't I start the workout, and if he wakes up, well, at least I got in a part of it. Oh yeah, it's because I'm lazy, tired, and would much rather veg on the couch. Or, try to get dinner started. Or, try to do the laundry.

Now that I have to hold myself accountable due to the blog, I guess I will have to get started again. Wish me luck. I should also mention that I should start dieting again. (as I quickly scarf down some crackers and cheese before he wakes up.)

This baby thing is harder then I thought!

That sounds so dumb, but it's true. I think I was a little spoiled, because my nephew (who is now 2.5), was truly the best baby! I had been a huge part of H's babyhood, and he really was a laid back baby. He was happy just being moved from different baby item to baby item. Put him in his bouncy chair, move him to the play mat, play in the excersaucer, eat, nap, repeat.

William, not so much. He was pretty colicky for the first 3 months, and I could never put him down. Thankfully, he is starting to out grow that. We are now seeing a completely different baby. He used to cry non stop when he was awake. That slowly changed to crying not as often. Now, he really only cries when has bad gas, or is really tired. Unfortunately, he suffers from both fairly often, and usually the two go hand in hand. He hates sleeping in his bouncy chair, swing, or out for a walk. He loves sleeping in my arms. :) And tolerates sleeping swaddled in his crib.

But, as I write this, he is swaddled in his bed, on his second 45 minute stretch. I expect him to wake up soon, as the 45 minutes is almost up! :)

His smiles and laughs by far make up for his past colicky behaviour, so we are moving on to bigger and better things!

If we can get his napping under control, I'm sure we will see a super happy baby, the majority of the time.

(last night he slept great. Asleep by 9:30. Nurse at 2:30, and 6, on and off til 9, when momma dragged her lazy ass out of bed).

First Post

Well, I never actually thought I would ever be writing a blog. But here I am. I guess I realized what better way to record our lives than in a blog. Especially when there are now companies that will print your blog into a nice little book for you. I think this will be a great way to remember the little things, the day to day things, that eventually you forget.

So, I'm a little late in starting this blog, but here goes.

My son William, was born on January 31, 2012. Sam and I wondered if we would ever actually get to be parents. After struggling with infertility, and doing numerous IUI's, we luckily got pregnant after our first IVF cycle. With no frosties left, we will either have to repeat the entire IVF process again, or get lucky, and get pregnant on our own.

William is truly our miracle baby!