Thursday, July 5, 2012

Operation Freedom

Its time to break William out of hid swaddle permanently. He hates going in it and is constantly breaking out and then waking himself up.

So tonight I swaddled him with one arm out to see what happened.

Bed at 8
Up at 9:30 - soosed
Up at 10:30 - soosed
Up at 10:40 - reswaddled (lol)
Up at 1:00 - the arm was out again. WTF!
Up at 3:30 - both arms out. Double WTF! Also he is wide awake!!

1 comment:

  1. My advice, and what I did with Ollie was let him break out and sleep for a week. Then I just put him in a long sleeved sleep sack. And then transitioned to no sleeves. I'll email full details.
