Monday, May 7, 2012


I love working out! (ok, not really right now...and in fact, am actually dreading getting started because I haven't moved my ass in almost a year)  So, I should rephrase that... I loved working out. And I really need to get back into it. I used to do the insanity workouts almost every day! It was a great feeling when I finished...when I could barely walk back up the stairs to go in the shower...when climbing out of bed in the mornings hurt soo much.

So, why haven't I started up again? I tell myself it's because William still isn't on a schedule, and I don't know if he will sleep for the entire work out. And I want to be playing with him when he is awake, not jumping around like an idiot while he watches. :)  But, why can't I start the workout, and if he wakes up, well, at least I got in a part of it. Oh yeah, it's because I'm lazy, tired, and would much rather veg on the couch. Or, try to get dinner started. Or, try to do the laundry.

Now that I have to hold myself accountable due to the blog, I guess I will have to get started again. Wish me luck. I should also mention that I should start dieting again. (as I quickly scarf down some crackers and cheese before he wakes up.)

1 comment:

  1. Ditto! Except my other excuse is that I'm nursing and do not want to jeopardize my supply with too much, any, diet or exercise. Let me know how this new plan works out for you... Lol
