Sunday, April 7, 2013

14 months

Oh I am getting bad at these monthly updates!

14 months old!

Eyes: Blue
Hair: light brown. Still havent' cut it yet. Still curly!

Teeth: 4 on top, 4 on bottom.
Diapers: Size 4's.
Clothes: 18 months for the most part.
Shoes: Size 3's.

Sleep: Great! We have been trying to keep him up until closer to 7, but he sometimes goes down at 6:30. Generally don't hear a peep until 5 or 5:30. Argh. I can't believe we are back to the early wakeups. It does'nt matter when he goes to bed, he is always up early. Naps are great, and are generally 1 hr - 1.5 hr's. Twice a day. Doesn't seem anywhere ready to cutting out his am nap, but that is probably because he is up so early.

Food: Loves! He definitely has his favourites, which he will eat tons of. Kraft dinner, cheesy broccoli rice, and fruit. He is generally ok with other foods, but if he is tired, then he refuses to eat most things. Veggies are always the most difficult to get him to eat (except for peas), but I can usually hide them in his pasta or rice or something. He wants to feed himself with his spoon now, which ultimately leads to very frustrating, messy meals.

Milk: He loves his milk. He drinks only from a sippy cup, and will have milk when he wakes up, for 3 meals, and has a cup before bed.

Speech: Still concerned here. He does say da da, can say ma ma, but generally isn't saying it to us. He has said baa, moo, and woof woof, but not any more. Sam swears he said bath yesterday. I think he can say banana. (kind of).

Walking: He is soooo close. Today he took about 6-7 steps on his own. Any day now.

Books: He loves reading. Richard scarry, flap books, books about trucks, anything. Reading is a big part of our day.

Toys: He loves anything that makes noise. He loves cars, and trucks, and the fisherprice garage. He loves banging things, and he loves his shape sorters. His pirate ship is one of his newest favourites.

This is a fun age! He is generally pretty happy, and is happy to do whatever I want/need to do. ie. need to go to the store, no prob. Need to go upstairs to put away laundry, no prob. The hardest part is attempting to make dinner, as once he sees me making food, he thinks he should be eating it right then and there.

We had a busy month of March, with taking him to Florida for the first week. That was awesome, and proved once again that he is a water baby. He loved the pool, the beach, the ocean (even though it was cold). He had so much fun, slept fantastically, travelled really well, and was just a joy the entire time.

Now that the weather is getting warmer, we have been going outside to practice our walking. There is park just up the street that he loves going to. He loves the slides, and loves walking up and down the curbs.

He loves being chased around the house, and the tickled. He loves playing on the blow up bed, and being thrown up on to our bed. He loves his daddy, and when daddy is around, mommy is not needed. :( Breaks my heart, but I am with him all day so the limited time he sees daddy, he only wants him.

He is still a bit shy of strangers (although happily flirts with them in stores), but at playgroups, or library, or even our house, he tends to act a bit funny. Even with other kids sometimes. I think I need to make a better effort to socialize him more with other kids his own age.

I've made the decision to work 2 days a week, so Will is going to be going to Gramma M's. It will only be from about 9-2:45, so I will still get the afternoon with him. I think this will be beneficial to both of us, as I have to admit I do miss the company of adults, and adult conversation. Plus the extra income will definitely be helpful for us.

We have Will signed up for swimming lessons coming soon, as well as a tumble tots class that I am going to take him too. Starts in two weeks, and he needs to be walking. lol Fingers crossed.