Monday, January 28, 2013

Cayman 2013!

Cayman recap

What a fantastic trip! William surpassed all of our expectations for the plane ride. He had a short nap and than was super excited and easy to entertain even though we only had the two seats for the three of us. An easy 4 hr flight. He remained in good spirits even during the long customs line and through the grocery store. He finally fell asleep on the car ride to the house.

He was a little leary of the sand but once he got used to it, he loved it! He loved sitting in the sand so the waves could hit him. He would play with a sand pail and shovel and just sit there! Lol. It tool about 4-5 days before he realized he could crawl on the sand. He didnt mind the salt water at all. Everyone said 1 year old was the hardest time because they would constantly be getting sand on their hands and then try to eat it or rub it in their eyes. Well Will did neither.

Our routine was pretty much the same everyday. Up around 6:30-7. Play inside. Eat breakfast. Walk up to rum point. Get really drowsy on the way back and then nap. After nap it was beach time, snack time, more beach. Then lunch. Indoor play. Nap. Beach time, bath, dinner and bed! Naps were still short and difficult to get him down. But nights were great. Slept from about 6:30 ish - 6:30 ish.

Flight home was also great despite a super short am nap. Note for next time. Pack less toys. He loved playing with a bottle of water and our seatbelts!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

11 months

11 months!

Eyes: blue. Guessing they wont be changing but not really sure where they came from!
Hair: light brown and getting curlier!

Wearing 12 month pants but can still wear 9 month onesies. 12 or 12-18 month sweaters. 12 month jammies but these are getting tight especially when double diapered.

Sleep: at 11 months and 2 days by boy slept from 7-7 in his own bed! Woo hoo! We caved and let him CIO. It only lasted 7 minutes and he has been doing great since then! We lay him in his crib. Put him in his sleep sack and say night night. Some times he will roll around or sit up but he always goes to sleep on his own (tonight is night 5). Previously he was showing signs that he was capable of this. He went a few nights around the holiday from about 7:30-4 but othernights he would wake for 2 hr stretches. I think letting him cry worked so well because he knew he could do it!
Naps on the other hand have been tough. He fights them like crazy. Wont sleep in his own bed. Sleeps in our bed. Constantly tries to sit up. Sometimes it takes 30 minutes and by then he is overtired. Sometimes can get 1.5 hrs. Sometimes only 30. But this usually happens twice a day. But the last few days he has been ready for bed at 6. Which means dad wont see him during the week. :(. Not sure how to fix this.

Food: my boy is quite the piggy! He still has 4 bottles of formula. Not sure when to drop a bottle. I dont see him switching to sippy cup 100% of the time any time soon. He loves toast! For breakfast he will have toast and fruit. Isnt super interested in his cereal. Lunch is often soup or grilled cheese. Occasionally pasta or something. Dinner is often egg, ham, meatball, or someother left over meat. Chicken occasionally. And veggies. Sometimes pasta, sweet potatoes or his barley cereal. He loves waffles, avocado, blueberries. He has cheerios, arrowroots, or mummums for snacks. He tries to steal our food all the time! He isnt a huge fan of vegetable pieces so I will sometimes still give him pureed ones. Im still afraid of gassy foods but i need to start incorporating those in to his diet. He loves picking up all his food now.

He is a mover now! Crawling away but still with one leg up. He sometimes tries to move with both feet on the ground but doesnt make is far. He found the stairs and loves them. He loves chasing after sam around corners. He pulls himself up on everything.

He babbles a fair amount but isnt really saying anything. Occasionally we will hear a daddy or mama but not sure if he is meaning too. I swear he is saying bumpa (for grampa).

He still loves his water. He still loves banging things.
His favourite toys are: little people zoo, his hammer toy, roll back cars, drum and shape sorter.
Loves books: favourites are Dog, moo baa, and not the hippopotomus. And sniff!
He loves loves loves my dad. As all the little ones did at this age.
He loves fans. And light switches.
He loves going out in public and looking at people and smiling at them. :)
Loves baths and will often crawl upstairs to look in the tub.

He still hates getting changed and its gettin more difficult now that he can move. He doesnt really hate much else!

His cough is much better. The puffer seemed to work but we still occasionally will hear it. I have a feeling he will need it again when he gets sick next.

Christmas was awesome this year. He loved the christmas tree and whenever he got upset we would take him to see it. Now that it is gone it feels weird to not have it in our bedtime routine.

We have a busy time coming up with 4 drs appointments and cayman! We are also thinking of heading down to florida in march with sams parents if he can get time off work.

I feel like the last few months he has made huge developmental leaps! He is no longer a little baby!